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ELECTION 2014 - PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR Gov. Tom Corbett Republican

What is the most pressing issue facing Pennsylvania?

The most pressing issue facing our state is the unfunded $50 billion pension debt. This crisis will grow to a cost that will double the state budget in a few short years and will cost each Pennsylvania household over $13,000. Pension costs have skyrocketed and forced tough budget deficits. Pension obligations are taking more than $.60 of every new revenue dollar, affecting the resources we have for our schools, economic development and infrastructure and is the driving reason for rising property taxes.

The Commonwealth must make the payments we are required to make, as my administration has done, but long-term reform is necessary to ensuring sustainability of the fund for those who have paid in, and for future state employees. The cornerstone of my first proposal was a 401(k) for all new state employees, and a transition for current employees that preserved the benefits they had already accrued through the defined-benefit system we have today. After working with the legislature, we are close to an agreement on enrolling new employees in this type of plan.

Why should you continue as the Pennsylvania Governor?

I have made and kept my promises to Pennsylvanians to make the tough decisions necessary to restore fiscal responsibility in Harrisburg, increase investments in our public schools, grow our economy and put Pennsylvanians back to work. It wasn't always easy, and tougher decisions still lie ahead, but I left the rhetoric behind and did what I said I was going to do, regardless of the political consequences or benefits. We have seen unemployment fall from 8.1 to 5.7 percent and nearly 180,000 new private sector jobs created. We're attracting new industries and growing our economy by investing in transportation, cheaper energy and a stronger, healthier workforce.