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What is the most pressing issue facing Pennsylvania?

As Governor, creating jobs will be my number one priority. Under Governor Corbett, Pennsylvania has fallen from ninth to 50th in job creation in the nation. More jobs means that we have a stronger, fairer Pennsylvania. I know this because I built a company in Pennsylvania and I have created hundreds of jobs. Creating jobs starts with building a strong workforce. That is why I want a 5 percent severance tax that will help fund our schools. We need good paying jobs with competitive wages and benefits. Right now, middle class wages are stagnant and that's unacceptable. My company pays solid wages and provides good benefits, and we share 20 to 30 percent of our profits with our workers. We need to make sure we put the middle class first and build sectors that create good jobs. I have developed a manufacturing plan that incentivizes new jobs, innovation and prepares our workforce for the 21st century. I know manufacturing has a future in America and with the right leadership here in Pennsylvania and that can lead job growth in Pennsylvania.

Why should you replace Governor Tom Corbett as the Pennsylvania Governor?

Pennsylvania needs a different kind of leader - someone who will bring a fresh start to Harrisburg, change the way we've been doing things - and I believe I am that leader. I will use my experience in business and government to create jobs, invest in education and build a stronger Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is faced with big problems and we can't keep thinking career politicians can solve them. I've built a business and created hundreds of jobs right here in Pennsylvania. We need to create jobs, make oil and gas companies pay their fair share, invest in our schools and get Pennsylvania's economy back on track. It's time to get Pennsylvania moving forward again.