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ELECTION 2014 - 131st DISTRICT Democrat Michael Beyer

What is the most pressing issue facing the 131st district?

I've spoken with thousands of residents of the 131st district and their number one concern is the $1 billion cut from Pennsylvania's schools. Those education cuts made by [Governor Tom] Corbett and [state Rep. Justin] Simmons have resulted in a $6.4 million cut in funding to East Penn classrooms over the last four years making East Penn the hardest hit school district in the 131st. In addition, $905,000 was cut in funding to Salisbury Township classrooms over the last four years. The cut in funding at the state level is directly responsible for the property tax increases that have put a tremendous strain on our local homeowners.

It is obvious the current method of state funding to school districts in the Commonwealth is unfair to taxpayers and unfair to the students in our schools. We are currently 45th in the country for funding to schools from the state level and yet we have the sixth highest property taxes. It's time for immediate funding reform. My first priority would be to immediately reduce property taxes at the local level by raising the state contribution to the national average and enacting direct property tax relief immediately.