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Road crew takes steps to alleviate water problem on Ponderosa Court

Lynn Township Roadmaster Bruce Raber, explained to the supervisors at their Oct. 9 meeting what the road crew did to correct the water problem on Ponderosa Court.

The swale along the road was re-graded and the gutters were dug deeper. In addition, the roadway was repaved with a 6-inch to nothing taper to direct water away from the house.

Raber estimated about $12,000 to $13,000 was spent on this project already.

George Cameron and Sonia Heltzer, who reside at this location, did not think the changes resolved the problem and expressed concern the raising of the road now directs the water toward the septic system.

The property owners were advised the township would wait until some heavy rains occur to further evaluate the situation.

Greg Snyder made application to have some acreage placed in the Agricultural Security plan. He is adding 62 acres in four tracts. Some of the acreage is railroad property he obtained.

The salt bids received were discussed. Low bidder for the multi-municipal bid was Cargill Salt at $279,471.50.

The board voted to go with this bidder for the year.

In his report to the board, Raber noted the crew cleaned gutters, regraded dirt roads, painted Ross Valley Road Bridge, helped Weisenberg and Heidelberg townships with paving, worked on the Ponderosa Court water problem, mowed shoulders, did equipment repairs and checked all road signs for visibility.

They plan to continue to clean gutters and work on the dirt roads, prepare all equipment for the winter season and possibly start tree trimming.

Resident Donald Christ informed the board of a problem at the Ontelaunee Park pond.

Apparently, water lilies are taking over the pond and are making it difficult for angles.

Christ outlined two alternatives to control the pads. One was to add chemicals to the water to kill the lilies and then aerate the pond to keep them at bay. The other plan would be to go into the pond and physically pull the lilies out.

The board will investigate the matter.

A motion was placed before the board to advertise for a proposal to appoint an outside auditor to audit the township's books.

Supervisor Steve Feinour said this would be a waste of money.

Feinour added he had complete faith in the elected auditors. The subject of a consultant was discussed.

Supervisor Brian Dietrich had no objection with a consultant but wanted to know the cost.

Permission was give to allow the township fire police to help out at the Topton and Allentown Halloween parades.

The Northwestern Ambulance Corps sent a letter to supervisors thanking them for the $5,000 donation toward fuel.

They also included in their letter a request for an additional $50,000.

The letter was apparently vague in relating the proposed use of the money.

Feinour stated he wants to see a plan of where the money is going to be placed, financial records of the corps and would like to have somebody come to the meeting to explain the request.

He was surprised no one from the corps attended the meeting and that only the letter was sent.

Supervisors Justin Smith and Dietrich agreed with Feinour and wanted to know what the long-range plan is for the corps.

Feinour is not in favor of giving out money indiscriminately and wants to discuss the matter with the other municipal participants in the service area who received letters from the corps.

Dietrich said a pressure washer and an edger are needed at the park. The board agreed to authorize these purchases.

Township Secretary Tammy White and Zoning Office Secretary Kathy Hermany will be attending a seminar on health care Nov. 20. The township office will be closed that day.

Trick or Treat Night has been set for 6-8 p.m. Oct. 25.