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The Salisbury Middle School entrance is now secure and all work has been completed, according to Director of Buildings and Grounds William Brackett.

Brackett made the announcement at the operations meeting Oct. 6 and noted $8,369 will come back to the district from the project. The total cost to secure the entrance was $190,000.

Board President Russell Giordano said he would like a report from administration detailing how much was spent at each school to secure entrances. He would like the public to know how much the district invested in the safety and security of students and staff. The administration will provide that information at the next meeting.

The sidewalks at SMS sustained damage last winter and some pads became cracked. The contractor and the district will share the cost of the replacement as some of the damage was not due to contractor error, but the extreme winter weather. The total cost to the district will be $3,700. Board member Sam DeFrank asked what can be done to make sure this doesn't happen again. Board member Frank Frankenfield asked about guarantees which Brackett said will be one year.

Brackett presented a list of capital improvement priorities to the board. The top three projects include a new roof at Harry S Truman Elementary School for $2,242,500; replacement of exterior doors and framing at HST and SMS for $422,500 and HVAC with chiller replacement at HST for $4,563,650.

Other projects include interior door hardware and keying at all four school buildings; replacement of hallway quarry tile floors at Western Salisbury Elementary School, renovation of student toilet rooms at SMS and HST; replacement of intercom systems at SMS and Western; replacement of student lockers at SMS, repaving of parking lot driveways at all five buildings; replacing sidewalks and curbing at HST, Western and the administration building; a generator for the administration building; rebuilding of retaining walls and classroom pods at HST and recommissioning of the HVAC system at the high school.

The total cost of all projects is $12,167,430.

The board members discussed the priority of projects and the costs. Giordano asked business administrator Robert Bruschak for the district's debt to equity ratio. DeFrank asked where the debt to equity ratio is compared to other districts.

With the district's operating budget of approximately $32 million, Bruschak said the district is approximately $39 million in debt.

The committee decided to use the next operations meeting to work on the priorities.

Bruschak also provided the board members with a timeframe for the 2015-2016 budget discussions.

Updates will be provided to the operations committee at the Nov. 3 and Dec. 3 meetings. An update will also be provided at the Jan. 5, 2015 operations committee meeting. The proposed preliminary budget will be available for public inspection beginning Jan. 22, 2015. The 2015-2016 preliminary budget will be presented at the Feb. 5, 2015 operations committee meeting.

Feb. 10, 2015 is the deadline to give public notice of intent to adopt the preliminary budget and also the deadline to adopt a resolution to not raise taxes above the index.

On Feb. 11, 2015, the board will adopt the preliminary budget.

Budget updates will be provided at the March 2, 2015 and April 6, 2015 meetings.

The proposed final budget will be presented at the May 4, 2015 operations committee meeting.

The proposed final budget will be adopted at the May 13, 2015 meeting.

The primary election is May 19, 2015; the budget goes to voters for approval if a referendum is necessary.

On May 28, 2015, the proposed final budget is available for public inspection.

The deadline for the board to adopt the proposed final budget is May 31, 2015.

A budget update will be provided at the June 1, 2015 operations committee meeting.

The district will give the public notice of intent to adopt the final budget June 7, 2015. This budget is scheduled to be adopted June 17, 2015.

The deadline to adopt the final budget is June 30, 2015.

Bruschak said additional meetings are anticipated for budget and capital project planning.

The next operations committee meeting will be held 7 p.m. Nov. 3 at HST.