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'Night' events are a success

Night in the Country Committee Chair Kathy Hermany reported at the Sept. 24 meeting of the Northwestern Recreation Commission income from the annual celebration will be about the same as last year after all proceeds are received.

Food income increased by $1,000 and activities brought in $500 more.

Admission donations, however, decreased.

Checks were sent to the fire police who helped during the event. Cow flop bingo and the Chinese auction both did well and directly benefit the rec commission.

MedEvac was unable to land because it was in the garage for repairs.

Recreation Commission President Don Link thanked Hermany and said all her work is appreciated.

In other matters, maintenance worker Jim Hughes reported via written report the pine trees at the community park had been sprayed for pine worms.

He bought an extra set of blades for the mower, so he will have replacements handy.

Hughes asked for authorization to mulch around the new trees.

The roof of the Potato Barn, Northwest Road, leaks. Kistler Supply gave a replacement cost of $21,337, but other quotes will be requested.

Notes from Justin Smith, Lynn Township representative, said the silt fence has been removed from the lower field and the field has grown in nicely.

The field should be ready for spring play.

Someone has been entering the fields with a wheeled vehicle from the southeast corner. So far, there has been no damage but the area will have to be watched.

Oiling the rachets for the volleyball nets was added to the list of work to be done each spring and fall.

A thatcher-seeder is available by bid, but Northwestern Lehigh School District Activities Director Jason Zimmerman has one the rec commission can use.

Zimmerman said the school might share the cost of a deep-tine aerator. It would be available as needed by either organization.

There was some question if the cost sharing would be allowed but Smith and Zimmerman will look into prices.

Board member LeRoy Sorensen suggested the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association could buy one and have it to use at other sites. Sorensen asked how much it would cost to rent one.

The sand volleyball court is used by fall gym classes and there was rebar sticking up. It was hammered down. The nets are getting tattered, but the school might have spares.

Link said they should consider new ones but first research should be done on new stainless steel poles and rachets which are rusty.

Sorensen suggested getting the rachets and the best net available, but no poles.

Link said Tom Wehr, Weisenberg representative, donated a new net. He asked how it can be installed properly.

Darryl Schafer will attend an upcoming grant workshop aimed at grants for playgrounds, water conservation, stormwater issues and erosion prevention. If the grants seem to include things of value to the commission, he will attend further meetings.

Schafer will bring information about the grants to the November meeting after he attends.

NYAA's Bob Serulneck asked about lights for the fields, which had been discussed several times over the years.

The rec commission decided even if the costs could be met, $500 per month to turn the lights on and then an hourly rate, the fields cannot take more use.

The board and community would both have to be on board for such a decision.

Though the NYAA has $65,000 dedicated to lighting, that would only cover half the installation.

The light towers used until 8 p.m. and ending by Thanksgiving, will be used again this year at the soccer field.

Sorensen asked about installing more friendly speed bumps, but it was agreed the more aggressive ones now in place are more effective.

He also asked about planting 10 more shade trees.

Link said the spots where people congregate will have to be determined so it is known where the trees would provide the most benefit.