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School district opens tip line

Students and parents in the Whitehall-Coplay School District concerned with safety can now breath a sigh of relief.

The district recently implemented an anonymous tip line. The line can be used if a student witnesses another student endangering a classmate or himself or herself. Students who witness such an incident are directed to call 610-435-4638 and leave a message.

The idea for the tip line has been in the making for some time now.

"It was many years ago," Assistant Superintendent Lorie Hackett told The Press through email Sept. 19. "We probably looked at other district practices to model."

While no one incident prompted the tip line, Hackett said the purpose is to ensure the safety of the student body.

"It was implemented so that students, parents and the community had an anonymous means of reporting concerns, 24 hours a day," she said. "The overall goal was to promote a safer school environment."

Once a call is lodged, the principal in the appropriate building is notified and then takes the appropriate steps. Such steps include talking with the student or students involved, contacting parents, contacting local police and involving the counselor and/or psychologist.

For students and parents concerned with the possibility of false accusations, Hackett said the individual principal is tasked with thoroughly investigating the complaint.

"It is not set up to be a means of punishing someone, it is designed to be supportive and proactive in preventing violence," she added. "It is not meant to get people in trouble, it is designed to get help and support for those who need it."

Hackett said the tip line has not been used as of press time.