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Trick or Treat Oct. 25 in NWL

Heidelberg Township supervisors are following other Northwestern Lehigh townships to have Trick-or-Treat Night from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 25.

In other matters, the board gave the go-ahead for the Miracle League of the Lehigh Valley, 5858 Sell Road, to host its fourth annual Halloween Bash 6-8 p.m., Oct. 15.

The charitable organization provides children and young adults with special needs the opportunity to play baseball.

The Halloween Bash is a way for area organizations and residents to bring the neighborhood to players by setting up trick-or-treat stations.

The event allows individuals with physical disabilities to experience trick-or-treating without having to climb stairs, navigate walkways or long distances between houses.

Supervisor Steve Bachman said the Miracle League would be responsible for implementing signage to close Sell Road for the event and notifying emergency services of the closure.

Supervisors also approved the rain date of Oct. 14.

In other news, the renaming of Werleys Corner Road was finalized with a motion by Bachman and seconded by Supervisor Rodney Schlauch Jr. to change the name to Werleys Corner Court.

Since removing the dilapidated bridge at Werleys Corner Road, the route no longer connects to Route 100 and is not considered a road.

Roadmaster Kevin Huber reported the township received a rebate of $2,673 from PPL Electric Utilities to replace all light fixtures in the municipal building with energy efficient bulbs.

Huber said estimated total cost for materials and labor was $3,804. After the rebate, the total cost to the township for the replacement was reduced to $1,130.

He also told the board the road crew laid asphalt millings in areas used heavily by bus traffic and on Harter Road between Church and Reservoir roads.

He said they are also using millings to fill in uneven dirt roads in preparation for inclement weather.

Township Administrator Janice Meyers said she and Zoning Secretary Tara Jones have been working on the township newsletter. A draft should be ready in a few weeks.

Meyers reported she will have a draft of the 2015 budget ready for review by next month. Budget workshops are scheduled for 6:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. She told supervisors any suggestions for the budget need to be brought to the table by Oct. 16.

Meyers asked supervisors previously about imposing a special event ordinance to put in place guidelines of how the event or amusement should be conducted.

When residents call the township about having such an event, she said it would be easier to have an organized instruction to give them.

A final draft of the proposed amusement fee ordinance will be completed for next month's meeting. According to the first draft, the ordinance states a "general fee upon the admissions to amusements would create additional revenue for the township to help defray the costs of operation of the event to the township."

The ordinance defines an amusement event as "all manner and forms of entertainment including among others, theatrical performances, concerts, carnivals, physical events, and all other forms of sport recreation, shows, exhibitions, contests and games; except school events, non-profit events, or events sponsored by Northwestern Recreation Commission or Heidelberg Township.

The fee will add a 10-percent charge to admission for public and participants for an amusement event. The producer of the event is required to collect the fee with admissions and maintain records showing daily admissions charged.

All fees collected under the ordinance are to be "paid to the treasurer for use and benefit of the township.

Details of the proposed parking ordinance will be reviewed for Oct. 16.

The idea is to reduce the number of abandoned vehicles, motor homes, boats and commercial vehicles taking up space on neighborhood roads.