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Township reps meet for quarterly session

Roadmasters representing six municipalities, including North Whitehall, Lowhill, Lynn, Washington, Weisenberg and Heidelberg, gathered on Sept. 8 at the North Whitehall Township Building for their quarterly meeting.

Carl Kressley of Lowhill Township opened the meeting saying his road crew is finished with oil and chipping.

He said the dirt roads actually held up pretty good considering the weather.

Kressley said work on Route 100 is nearly finished. J.D. Eckman was the contractor.

Heidelberg Township Roadmaster Kevin Huber said his road crew still has some paving to do.

They received a new pickup and are a little behind on mowing.

A box culvert bridge is being placed at the stream behind the township building on what had been Werley's Corner Road.

The name will be changed because it will no longer go through to connect to Werley's Corner Road.

PennDOT is paying for the bridge as part of the road turnback.

Lynn Township Roadmaster Bruce Raber said fuel tanks were inspected but they will have to be prepped and painted.

The road crew is installing smaller drain pipes and doing spot weed whacking.

Roadmaster Gary Remaley of North Whitehall said his crew has a little bit of paving remaining to do.

They are waiting for parts for equipment.

The township spends $20,000 annually on crack sealing but because of last year's weather, it may take much more, he said.

Workers are still mowing and cleaning shoulders.

"We're getting ready for winter," Remaley said.

Weisenberg Township Roadmaster Tony Werley told the others it is difficult getting parts when equipment breaks. Kressley replied it is not only hard to get parts but pipes are in short supply.

Huber said his township has four inspectable bridges and six non-inspectable, one of which was built in 1917 and is holding up well.

Werley said he reconstructed a dirt road and is getting ready for winter.

Weisenberg Supervisor Bob Milot said some dealers are stocking equipment but not enough for another bad winter.

North Whitehall has a population over 10,000 and is required to pick up leaves. Residents throw in garbage, string and stones, which damage the leaf vacuum.

Kressley said some places are using a baler to bale leaves so they can be used for animal bedding.

He asked if the bids had gone out for the eight-township salt bid.

He was told it was being advertised at the time of the meeting.

CoStars prices are online but if its price is used, the full amount must be accepted whether it is needed or not.