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Some notes for the start of the school year

Welcome back to school!

Be sure to bookmark the Whitehall-Coplay School District's website. It is very helpful and informative for parents and students. Parents and students are able to access each of the buildings – elementary through the high school – on the site.

Simply follow the links to the schools. Many guidelines, important dates, lunch information and more can be found there.

The address is www.whitehallcoplay.org.


In preparation for the 2014-15 school year, the Whitehall-Coplay School District is requiring parents/guardians to access the Whitehall-Coplay's information update site to review and acknowledge information for each of their students.

In addition to verifying and/or updating student information, if there is a need to apply for the Meals Benefit Program, parents must access this site to complete the online application.

The link to the Online Student Update site is on the Whitehall-Coplay School District home page or go to https://update.whitehallchoplay.org.

The login information was sent home in the summer mailing that went out Aug. 15.

Parents who have problems accessing or using this site should contact their child's school for assistance.


The Whitehall-Coplay Middle School newsletter will no longer be released in print format.

Copies of the bimonthly newsletter are available online at www.whitehallcoplay.org/middle/index. The district also has begun to archive them under the "Helpful Links" section.


Reminder, when a child needs to leave school early, a note from a parent or guardian is required. The note must be brought to the office during morning homeroom.


Parents who drop off their children at Gockley Elementary School are asked to make sure students arrive at school between 8:40 and 8:50 a.m.

First-grade and morning kindergarten students may not be dropped off at school before 8:40 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten students may not be dropped off at school before 12:20 p.m.

Parents transporting children are reminded to use the proper drop-off and pickup site. The front of the school is for buses only.

Parents are asked to bring their children to the office and sign in if they arrive after 8:50 a.m or after 12:30 p.m. for afternoon kindergarten students.

At dismissal, parents should park in the drop-off or pickup site and come to the office to pick up their children. No parking is allowed in the bus lane, which is in the front of the school.


Parents and children should report to the bus stop 10 minutes before the designated pickup time. It is parents' responsibility to be at the bus stop before or after school.

Parents should discuss alternate plans with children in the event a parent would not be at the bus stop at the end of the school day or in the event of an early dismissal.


Identification of student items is encouraged. If parents write a note to a teacher or drop off items at the school office for a child, they are asked to write the child's full name and teacher's name in the note or on the item.

Write the child's name inside backpacks, lunchboxes, jackets, etc. In the event the item is misplaced, it can be identified and return it to the rightful owner.