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All-time winner! Hats off to members of Central Grange 1650 of Germansville for bringing home a first place win with their exhibit titled, "Fun With Our Grange" at The 2014 Great Allentown Fair.

According to Program Coordinator Elaine Hoppes, each year in January, the grange members from Lehigh and North-ampton counties meet to plan the year's events.

At this meeting, the grangers choose a theme for their displays at the fair. Each grange then decides how to interpret the theme on the exhibit's backboard.

Exhibits are judged on educational value, theme interpretation, attractiveness, originality, quality and variety of products.

The display features a wide array of canned and fresh fruits and vegetables along with items from the farm such as, corn, hay, straw, soybeans, etc.

"A lot of time and effort goes into creating these displays and they are a highlight in Agricultural Hall. We are proud to be members of this great organization," Hoppes said.

The grange is a community service organization with activities for the entire family.

Everyone is welcome to attend Central Grange meetings 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month in the Germansville Fire Company social hall.

For more information the grange, call Elaine or Harold Hoppes at 610-767-4400.


Cause for celebration! Heidelberg Church's Festival of the Harvest will be celebrated during the 8:30 a.m. UCC worship service and the 11 a.m. Lutheran service Sept. 21.

Donated food will be given to the Northern Lehigh Food Bank and the Christ's Church at Lowhill Food Pantry.

Items needed by the food bank on a regular basis are fresh and canned vegetables and fruits, soups, dried soup mixes, noodles, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, peanut butter, jelly, rice, all types of cold and hot cereals, tomato and spaghetti sauces, powered milk, baby food, juices and formulas.

Last year, thanks to the generosity of many, more than 430 pounds of food was donated by Heidelberg Church.


Great expectations! Ladies of all ages are invited to meet with Heidelberg Church's Women of Faith group 7 p.m. on Sept. 22.

Bring a friend or two and stay for an evening of fun and fellowship as the group makes plans for the fall season.

Empty cereal boxes are now being collected by the group for this year's Christmas project.

Bring them along to the meeting or drop them off in the narthex.

For information, contact Eleanor Klevenhagen at 610-767-5065 or Linda Hausamann at 610-767-5281.


Spread the word! Heidelberg Union Church's Fellowship Hall is available for use by the public.

This fine-looking facility offers a spacious social room and state-of-the-art kitchen.

To reserve space for your special function, call Linda Fritzinger at 610-767-9086.

Remember, gatherings do not have to be church related.


Forgotten Felines and Fidos animal shelter, Germansville, is having a brand-named purse bingo Sept. 28 at St. John the Baptist Slovak Church, 920 N. Front St., Allentown.

Doors open 11:30 a.m. Bingo starts at 1 p.m.

There will be a raffle, food, 50/50, bake sale and games of chance. Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door.

For information and tickets, email Lori Hamm at LHamm66@verizon.net.

Proceeds benefit the shelter.


Just a thought! Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever.