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Gary Day warns residents of scam

State Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, is alerting area residents about a scheme targeting and threatening taxpayers.

"My office has received numerous calls from local residents who have been threatened by someone claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service and scaring them into believing they owe large sums of money to the government or telling them they have a large refund, which they have to pay to receive," Day said. "Sadly, this is just another scam concocted by some unscrupulous individuals to try to get money the easy way.

"The Internal Revenue Service does not call taxpayers. The agency relies on the U.S. Postal Service to communicate with residents and never asks for a credit card, debit card or prepaid card.

"Those are warning signs for any type of scam or fraudulent activity."

Day said the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office is aware of the scam and has sent out its own notice warning taxpayers of the scheme.

The IRS is also aware of the scheme and has issued its own consumer alert.

According to the attorney general, victims of the IRS scam are told they are entitled to large refunds or they owe money and must pay immediately.

These unwanted calls seem legitimate but make consumers feel pressured to act without validating the information.

Victims have reported that the callers are aggressive and persistent.

According to the IRS, the agency will never:

· Call taxpayers about taxes they owe without first sending an official notice by mail.

· Demand taxes be paid without giving the taxpayer the opportunity to question or appeal the amount allegedly owed.

· Require taxpayers to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card.

· Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.

· Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have taxpayers arrested for not paying.

"I want to alert the people of our district to these attempts to scam people with authoritative looking mail, emails or sounding phone calls," Day said. "No legitimate federal or state office for any reason will contact you in this manner. If you have a question, please contact my office."

Day offered the following tips to avoid becoming a victim:

· Never wire money or purchase green dot-type prepaid cash cards in response to a telephone appeal, whether it is from a stranger or someone who claims to know you.

· Never let emotion or fear overcome common sense. If someone claiming to be a government agency or law enforcement calls, slow down and verify everything.

One can always hang up and call the agency directly to verify.

· Never give out sensitive information to anyone on the phone unless you initiated the call to a company or agency that you are certain is legitimate.

For more ifnormation or to report any scam, contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection at 1-800-441-2555.