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Rotary Club of Allentown West installs new officers

The Rotary Club of Allentown West recently installed its new officers during a meeting at the Luther Crest retirement community, South Whitehall Township.

Prior to the installation of the 2014-15 new officers, the Rev. Jeff Kistler gave the invocation, announcements were made and various committee chairs presented a brief summary of the Rotarians good works during the 2013-14 year.

Rotarian Barb Kistler presented a collection of photographs set to music for a "Year in Review" slideshow presentation at the meeting.

After the slideshow presentation, outgoing President Halyna Stegura presented Gloria Zimmerman with a new award, "AWRC-Rotarian of the Year" for the good deeds she has done and continues to do.

Incoming President Barb Kistler then presented Stegura with a gavel to remind her of her service as 2013-14 Allentown West Rotary Club president.

Bill Weber then acknowledged the 2013-14 officers and directors before relieving them of their duties and inducting Kistler as the new Allentown West Rotary Club president and installing the 2014-15 new officers and directors.

The new officers and directors are Herb Klotz, president-elect; Dan Crane, vice president; Joe Goll, secretary; Dale Hostetter, treasurer; Don Davis, Sergeant-At-Arms; Halyna Stegura, immediate past president; Gloria Zimmerman, service chair; Len Salines, fund raising; Bill Palmer, publicity; Jean Masiko, Rotary International Foundation and Ernie Boll, membership.

Prior to the close of the meeting, George Ikeda presented a painting of Mt. Fuji, given to the club by the parents of a 1980-81 Youth Exchange student from Japan.

Ihor Fedoriw also presented President Kistler with a Ukrainian Easter egg as a symbol of rebirth and renewal.

Stegura then presented the president's pin and new badge to Kistler.

Kistler hung the 2014-15 Rotary International Theme Banner next to this year's banner.

A rendition of "R-O-T-A-R-Y," was sung, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and then the saying, "One profits most who serves the best" was recited to close the meeting.