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Concerns have been raised about the possible effect of stormwater runoff on neighbors' properties from a proposed subdivision in Salisbury Township.

A sketch plan for a minor subdivision of four lots is proposed at Stanley Avenue and Salisbury Road by 0229 Ventures, LLC. The property is in an R-4 Zoning District.

"This plan will require a bunch of waivers to proceed once the final plan comes in," Township Consulting Engineer David J. Tettemer told the July 8 Salisbury Township Planning Commission.

A sketch plan requires no formal action by planners.

Tettemer said he spoke with Salisbury Township Director of Public Works John Andreas: "He [Andreas] said there are stormwater issues that will have to be looked at closely."

Tettemer raised most of the concerns in notes he read from his June 19 review letter to planners.

Among the waivers required from the township zoning ordinance, according to Tettemer:

A waiver for the width of Stanley Avenue and Salisbury Road. Widths are 40 feet. The required width is 50 feet.

A waiver for the driving lane width for Stanley Avenue, which is 12-feet-wide and Salisbury Road, which is 24-feet-wide. The required width is 30 feet.

A waiver for a cul-de-sac for Stanley Avenue. A turn-around is required.

A waiver to widen abutting streets to Stanley Avenue and Salisbury Road.

A waiver for sidewalks and curbs along Stanley Avenue. There is curbing, but no sidewalk, along Salisbury Road.

A waiver for side lots lines, perpendicular to the street.

A waiver for an existing alley to be vacated.

Tettemer said he would not object to waivers being granted for Salisbury Road.

"Salisbury Road is fine. I would not mind waivers," Tettemer said.

"Stanley Avenue requires a turn-around. It would have to go in a guy's [neighbor's] concrete area," according to Tettemer.

"There's no way for emergency vehicles to turn around," Tettemer said.

Planners' Secretary Joseph Hebelka asked what provisions would be made for snow-plowing.

"That Stanley Avenue is so narrow that there is no way to turn around. You have to back out," claimed planners' Chairman Charles Beck.

"We have to look at people who are going to purchase this and what problems we are creating down the line," Planner Richard Schreiter said.

"That's why we came in with a plan to discuss the issues," said Atty. Bernard M. Telatovich, vice president, Benchmark Civil Engineering Services, Inc., representing the developer, 0229 Ventures, LLC.

"It does have issues," Beck said of the subdivision plan.

"I would rather see everyone put in sidewalks and curbing, Beck added.

"We have a stormwater problem over there. The curbing would help that," Schreiter said.

Tettemer said Andreas said stormwater heads down Stanley Avenue.

"That's going to have to be looked at. And it will be part of the Subdivision And Land Development Ordinance for the proposed subdivision," Tettemer said.

"You can't expect us to solve the runoff," Telatovich said.

"We don't want you to make it worse for the next guy," Tettemer responded.

"You are taking an existing stormwater problem and making it worse," Planner Glenn Miller said of the proposed subdivision.

Salisbury Township Director of Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka also raised questions about neighboring properties and driveways.

"We will send it to [township] police and fire [departments] and get their comments," Tettemer said of the sketch plan.