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Harhart hosts emergency expo

State Rep. Julie Harhart, R-183rd, is bringing together various emergency management groups to provide information and answer questions during her Emergency: Be Prepared Seminar and Expo from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 14, at Springhouse MS.

"This is my second year hosting this important event. Last year's expo was so well received that I decided to not only host it again, but expand it to include safety information for children," said Harhart. "Although I was first inspired to host an emergency expo following the floods we experienced a couple of years ago, the information presented is valuable no matter what type of emergency a person may encounter. I encourage everyone to take some time and visit the expo."

Activities and information for children include appearances by Smokey Bear, Judge the Arson Dog, Andy the Ambulance, Cell Phone Sally and other characters. A fire safety smoke trailer and free child ID program will be featured.

The Emergency: Be Prepared Seminar and Expo is free to attend with various state agencies and utility companies providing brief presentations on what to do and how to prepare in the case of an emergency.

Many regional organizations will also be present and have information available. For information, call 610-760-9805.