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Weisenberg board welcomes Scouts

Ziegels Church Boy Scout Troop 26, led by Scoutmaster Dennis Dengler, visited the Weisenberg Township supervisors July 14 meeting.

The Scouts are working on their citizenship badges and were interested in seeing how local government works.

What appeared to be a light agenda developed into a much larger program.

Supervisors approved an ordinance pertaining to the agility agreement with PennDOT and another vacating a portion of Kistler Court, from Golden Key Road to the new Kistler Court cul-de-sac.

A request was made to erect speed limit signs on Mohr Lane from Wertman Road to Apple Road.

Township Manager Brian Carl will request a speed study to see if the signs are warranted.

The board also approved renewal of the temporary home permit for David and Diane Herber of 10524 Old Route 22. The application pertained to a mobile home on the property for elderly relatives.

Norm Ziegler ad-dressed the board concerning weeds at 2366 Hailey Court.

He alleged the property, in foreclosure, is infested with ticks and is home to foxes, groundhogs, raccoons and rabbits.

Carl said a first notice was sent to the owners and a second will be sent shortly.

If no response is received, he will hire someone to mow the weeds.

Sara Schrum, also on Hailey Court, reiterated Ziegler's concerns and said the site devalues nearby properties. She also alleged raccoons were living in the house.

Weisenberg Volunteer Fire Company Chief Scott Freeman gave his report to the board noting the old fire engine is for sale.

The new engine will be arriving soon.

Freeman noted the fire company will need $90,000 for the new engine and they would like the current fund drive to result in sizeable donations.

Supervisors have said the township would contribute some money to the fund drive.

Freeman reported there is cracking and settling in the concrete in front of the engine bays.

Township crews will do the repairs.