Published July 17. 2014 12:00AM
To the Editor:
As Dr. Arthur H. Garrison, LPD, assistant professor of criminal justice at Kutztown University suggested in last week's Guest View, I did Google the information about the four birth control methods that Hobby Lobby protested out of religious conviction because they can abort a baby. And this is what I found.
On Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (i.e. National Institutes of Health), it says Plan B or "levonorgestrel (LNG)" is a "back-up birth control," meaning when all else has failed it will not only prevent the egg from being fertilized as Dr. Garrison said, but contrary to his article where he says "LNG does not cause changes to the endometrium making (uterine lining)": levonorgestrel (LNG) or Plan B DOES cause these changes. In other words, a human being that has been created by the sperm and egg meeting cannot live because the lining of the uterus becomes inhospitable and the person dies.
Ella has the same effect. However, it is a drug, not a hormone. This drug stops a woman's normal hormone cycle that would create a place for the fertilized egg to be implanted. Since it cannot implant in the womb, the child dies. The same thing happens with IUDs, which are the two other birth control methods that Hobby Lobby protested. And this is the point, Hobby Lobby and all other people of faith who believe that life begins at conception cannot in good conscience accept being part of killing children. If we wouldn't want to kill our own, how can we kill yours?
Tori Todorovac