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At the most recent Recreation Advisory Committee, members reviewed a request from the Salisbury Youth Association for at 10 foot by 16 foot shed at Devonshire Park.

As part of the request, SYA President Jeff Rothrock said the shed and contents would be shared by SYA and Hamilton Park Athletic Association.

"In all probability, it [the shed] will house a small tractor used to drag and prep the fields before games," Rothrock said. "It would also eliminate the need for the steel boxes behind the backstop currently being used for baseball equipment storage."

Rothrock said the storage facility would not be obstrusive and similar to the shed placed at Franko Park.

After a review, committee members tabled the discussion suggesting a smaller shed.

Committee member Pat Jacoby said he needs additional information on the shed, size and placement before moving forward.

In other business, committee members took a tour of the Laubach, Franko, River Road, Dodson, Green Acres, Lindberg, Devonshire, Berger and Louise parks and provided a written report of maintenance items and repairs needed.

At Laubach Park, mulch was needed which has been placed. Other items needing repair include a table under the pavilion with protruding nails, missing or broken swings, a slide on jungle gym has a section bubbling and not smooth, a fence around a dugout needs repair, bathroom lights do not work, tables and benches need replacing, water fountain, shed and swings need paint and the electrical service needs to go to 400 amp service if additional lighting is added.

At Franko Park, dirt and grass needs to be planted on the fields, the gazebo is in serious need of repair, it needs to be painted and sealed and broken spindles in the railing need to be replaced. In addition, two vents need to be added to the shed to eliminate a gas smell. The volleyball court needs to be raked, the pavilion needs a coat of sealer and the weeds on trails need to be cut.

At River Road, the pavilion has chalk graffiti and needs repair, the merry-go-round needs painting, the damaged walk on the jungle gym needs to be fixed and the bench at the basketball court needs to be replaced.

A metal piece is sticking out from the goal at Dodson Park, a "No Dogs" sign needs a nail and dirt and grass are needed on the soccer field.

At Green Acres Park, an existing crack in the upper basketball courts has widened and needs to be repaired, the fence along the street needs repair, the volleyball court post is bent and needs to be removed, the basketball rims are bent on the upper courts, trash is left around basketball courts and benches and a bike rack should be added to the basketball courts to clear the area of scattered bikes.

At Lindberg Park, the fencing is rusted and needs to be replaced, the rear parking area chain is broken and posts are bent, three holes in the ground by the baseball fields and one by the parking lot need to be filled, tire tracks on the baseball fields need to be fixed, backstops need to be replaced, grass seed is needed, sports sand is needed in the volleyball court, cement under monkey bars needs to be covered, basketball courts have cracks and discolorization and many branches are down and should be removed.

At Devonshire Park, a "No Dogs" sign has officially been posted, there are holes in the tennis court fence, patches on the tennis court are needed as well as the basketball court, new nets are needed at the basketball court, tennis courts need lines painted as well as new nets and the jungle gym has a crack in it and the monkey bars are loose. The jungle gym also has cracking paint, dirt patches need grass seed and the large storage unit behind the backstop needs repainting.

At Berger Park, benches need to be repainted and a "No Dogs" sign has been posted.

At Louise Park, top soil and grass seed are needed and the steering wheel and bell on the large playset are loose.

The next meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. July 21 at the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.