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Chosen Words Die Picknick Zeit

Die picknick zeit is widder do,

Un kumme Mensche viel.

Sie froge em "ei wu un wer?"

Im Bungert schee un kiel.

Die Mannsleit sin schee aageduh,

Die Grosse un die Gleene.

Die Weibsleit hen sich aagerischt,

mir gleiche fer sie sehne.

Die weibsleit mache schenschde Sach

Fer alli epper esse.

der Essdisch grext mit schwer gewicht,

Des kann mer net vergesse.

Do waar geblaant, gerischt in gschafft,

Kuche, Boi un alli Sach.

Kaes un Wascht, verdeiwelt Oier,

Wie gute Weibsleit ewe mach.

Deller hoch gelada mit Sache,

Geplunder mit Esse.

Un iwweredem zu viel im Bauch,

hen sie sich glei vergesse.

Die Zeit vershwindelt Nummidaag

Uns Bsuches waar so schee,

Awwer wie die Hinkel uff die Schtong,

Mir misse nau heem geh.

Mir saage unser "Gute nacht,"

Un no noch wennich schwetze.

Mir blaane widders Zammerlaaf,

Die naegscht Yaar's Picknick setze.

Picnic Time

Picnic time is here again

And many people will be coming

They ask where? and who? (is having the picnic)

In the orchard nice and cool.

The men are dressed very nice

The tall and the short

The women spend a lot of time getting ready

We always appreciate seeing them.

The women make/cook the nicest things

For everyone to eat

The food table groans

with the weight

of food

We won't forget that!

For this, there was planning,

preparation and work

Cakes, pies and all sorts of stuff

Cheese and bologna and deviled eggs

How good women

would naturally make.

The plates are heaped high with food

Lots of conversation

along with the eating

Pretty soon too much in the stomach

As they all tend to forget themselves.

The time passes quickly

and the afternoon is almost gone

The visiting is so nice

But like the chickens on the roost

We have to go home.

We say our "Good Evenings"

And just a little more talking

We plan another get together

Next year at picnic time.

Peter V. Fritsch
