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LEHIGH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioners debate new budget process

The Lehigh County Commissioners are considering a new process by which budget conflicts are resolved.

The new process discussed by the commissioners at the June 25 meeting would allow a budget compromise not reached to default to the former year's tax rates, without a tax increase.

Currently, the county executive drafts the budget with the commissioners recommending amendments to it. In the event the two sides cannot reach a deal, the executive's budget is approved.

Those in support of the proposed idea argue the new scheme will prevent countywide taxes from increasing despite the majority of commissioners who are opposed to the budget.

"If you don't have a majority of the nine people up here who agree with a budget, I find it an incredible oddity that's the budget that goes into effect," Commissioner Michael Schware said.

Those opposed to the idea assert the proposal allows the board to avoid reaching an agreement on the budget and ultimately disposes of a certain level of the county executive's power.

"I think it gives us as commissioners an incentive not to do the job we were elected to do as difficult as that job can be sometimes," Commissioner Brad Osborne said.

Commissioner Geoff Brace said he will not vote for the proposal, calling it "irresponsible."

The commissioners will hold a final vote on the proposal at the July 9 meeting.

If the proposal is approved, the matter will go before the voters as a referendum question in November.

"What we're doing is giving the people a chance to determine whether they want to keep the system as it is or whether they want to see it changed so it's fair to them," Schware added. "Taking the burden off the taxpayers when we cannot agree a tax hike is the way to go is certainly better than what we have now."