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Zombies invading 'Night'

Lowhill Township Supervisor Buddy Wessner, owner of Stone Haven Supply, has introduced an activity to be added to the Night in the Country celebration.

Wessner explained, at the June 25 meeting of the Northwestern Recreation Commission meeting, paintball guns, attached to a truck will be used to shoot "zombies."

The 35-foot by 45-foot area in which the game will be played will be enclosed.

Wessner, who was unable to attend the meeting, said via conference call both the paint and shells are biodegradable, though most of the shells will be picked up following the event.

Northwestern Recreation President Don Link suggested Wessner be hands-on so nothing goes astray.

All proceeds will go toward school organizations.

Weisenberg Fire Company Assistant Chief Brian Carl told the recreation commission board what is planned for the firefighters competition.

Carl said there will be a bucket brigade, portable pump, and two children ages 5 and under will be chosen for each event to represent the fire departments.

They will use low-power hoses to participate in contests including knocking over cones. Firemen will have a barrel competition, in which a barrel on a cable stretched between two trucks will be pushed from one end to the other.

Carl eased concerns over water consumption, saying the competitions will not use massive amounts of water.

An Aqua Duck water truck will be at the park providing the water. The firefighters competition will run approximately from 6-8 p.m.

There will also be bull riding and cow flop bingo, courtesy Guava of Lynn-acres Farm. Guava belongs to Adam Dietrich.

Dave Moyer of the Northwestern Science Olympiad Team will be in charge of the car cruise.

The American Cancer Society will benefit from the work of the admission monitors.

Janice and Bill Meyers will coordinate the Chinese auction with the Northwestern Lehigh cheerleaders.

The NYAA field hockey team will do cleanup on Sunday.

Someone is still needed to collect garbage during the event. A $200 donation will be given to the person or group for a charitable use.