School taxes to go up 3 percent
The Whitehall-Coplay School Board approved a budget that increases residents' taxes by 3.3 percent or $84 for the average residential property.
The board made the approval at its June 23 special meeting.
The final adoption of the budget passed with five members voting in favor of the budget, two voting against it and two absent.
Superintendent John Corby explained that in order for the budget to pass, five members of the board had to vote in favor. It couldnot be just the majority of board members present.
Board members Arthur Taschler Jr., Josef Fragnito and Eileen Abruzzi were absent. Corby set up a conference call with Abruzzi, a first in his stay as superintendent.
Corby explained that this is legal according to the Supreme Court in the state and that precedents allow this.
The final budget is in the amount of $59,787,753 and represents an increase of 5.8 percent from last year. This year's budget required an increase of 0.4927 mills for a total real estate tax rate of 15.4186 mills.
"The biggest drivers of the budget increase in this and other districts is the steadily increasing charter school costs. We have no discretion in whether or not to participate – and the pension. Those two alone are the biggest drivers, in my opinion, of the increase," said school board Vice President Robert Kolb.
Board members Owen Eberhart Jr., and Patty Gaugler opposed the approval of the budget.
"I can't afford a new tax increase," Eberhart said.
"I don't want to see anything cut, but I feel if we looked harder we could have found a way to not have to raise taxes," said Gaugler.
Before the special meeting, the board held its committee meetings. Corby addressed the board about the upcoming approval of the budget.
"To be honest, this is a compromise for the board. Some of you don't like it. We have tried to put a budget together that fits the school," he said.
In other business, the board approved the appointment of four new teachers. They are Demi Ogozalek, special education and learning support at Gockley Elementary; Rebecca Young, special education and learning support at Steckel Elementary; Elizabeth Burian, family and consumer science at the high school; and Angelica DeLucia, kindergarten at Gockley Elementary. All will receive a salary between $41,907 and 42,358 pending contract negotiations.
The board also discussed an increase in the cost of school lunches. Costs will go up 10 cents for the 2014-15 school year, putting the new total for an elementary school lunch at $2.45 and the secondary cost at $2.65.