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Marvin, Mel Charles moving out of Lynn Twp

Marvin Charles has told Lynn supervisors he and his wife, Mel, will be leaving the township.

Mel Charles was active in the Environmental Advisory Committee and, along with her husband, took an active interest in township affairs.

They have donated their property, 64 acres, to the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.

Director of Development for Hawk Mountain Craig George said Sanctuary President Jerry Reagen will reside at the house along Springhouse Road.

In other matters, the issue of sinkholes in Behler Street was brought to the board again. Water flow was checked and it was determined the water went into a storm culvert that empties into the Ontelaunee Creek near the bridge.

PennDOT officials suggested meeting with everybody in the near future to discuss the problem.

Chairman Justin Smith will meet with them when a date is set.

Greg Snyder introduced his three-lot subdivision on Decatur Street, New Tripoli.

He has placed the additional wording on the plan required by DEP.

However, the Lehigh County Authority has not resolved all the issues.

Supervisor Steve Feinour will look into the matter on the sewer hookups. He stated when the plant was turned over to the LCA, "We met all the requirements. There is no reason why he can't hook up to the plant." The plan was approved.

New Tripoli Fire Chief Peter Christ reported to the board Ryan Williams and Bruce Dalrymple have received Firefighter One certification.

The fire company received a grant of $42,000 to replace old equipment. Allentown requested assistance from the fire police for an event on July 27. The board gave its OK.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber's road report was presented to supervisors.

The crew was busy with paving, road leveling, helping Weisenberg and Lowhill townships with projects, opening pipes, installing signs, mowing, cutting shoulders and getting ready to oil and chip certain roads next month.

A resolution was adopted to establish the fee for the use of the four township roller. It was set at $20 per hour.

Two ordinances scheduled for discussion were tabled until next meeting. The AQC ordinance and the zoning change will be discussed at the July meeting.

There was a discussion on curbing as it related to the AQC ordinance. High density areas will necessitate curbing and it will be continuous.

The purchase of a building permit program was approved for the township office. Modem fee is $50 and any extra usage will cost extra.

Kathy Hermany, who will be using the program, said she will not be using any extra services.

A flag box will be set up at the township building for depositing old, worn out flags. The Boy Scouts will collect them and destroy them properly at a ceremony.

Other issues brought before the board included a drainage problem at Pine Lakes of Lynn, horse pasture drainage flowing onto township roads and weeds at the Lynn Water Company.

The board said the drainage problem in Pine Lakes is not a township problem.

Raber urged supervisors to adopt some sort of setback for horse pastures to alleviate the problem with the drainage.

Supervisors Brian Dietrich will contact Soil Conservation Service to discuss the matter.

A letter of support will be sent to the Lehigh County Soil Conservation District in support of its grant application for projects in the county.

The sixth annual Car and Motorcycle Show will be 1-4 p.m. July 13, at Ontelaunee Park.

Night in the Country will be Aug. 16 with a rain date of Aug. 17.