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Food, fun and fellowship at Lighthouse Baptist picnic

Phyllis Allbright welcomed everyone to the community picnic June 21 at Lighthouse Baptist Church, New Smithville.

Allbright said everything - food, games, and music - were free.

"It is a place for people to come with their families," she said of the second annual picnic.

Allbright explained one of the church's many activities includes filling shoeboxes before Christmas to send overseas via Samaritans Purse, the program begun by Franklin Graham.

Almost all members of the church were helping out at the picnic in some capacity.

When the Christian Clowns were unable to attend as scheduled, Allbright asked Debbie Zvanut if she knew of someone.

Her suggestion was Mr. Bumble, a 13-year veteran clown with Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Also known as James Vogelgesang, the Kempton resident taught at a clown college.

Pastor Hal Hopkins said the church had traditional church picnics but last year decided to open the event to the community to help area residents become more familiar with the church.

"We are here to serve everybody," Hopkins said. "We believe we have made a positive impact."

Weisenberg Township resident and columnist for the Northwestern Press Mary Henry is coordinator of the church's 15th anniversary celebration scheduled for September.

Church members met in many places including a barn, porch, furniture shop, and a basement before the church was built.

The celebration will be at the Kutztown Fire Company social hall.

Kathy Fadule said Andy the Ambulance of Cetronia Åmbulance could not attend the event. The remote-controlled miniature ambulance needed its ticker charged, she said.

In addition to hot dogs and hamburgers, there was bean salad, baked beans, two macaroni salads, potato salad, desserts and beverages. Another table featured a sno-cone maker, popcorn popper and cotton candy machine.

Entertainment was provided by strolling musicians Keith Brintzenhoff and Mike Hertzog, who play everything from hoedown to bluegrass.

Still to come was the Weisenberg Fire Company and musicians from the Pines Dinner Theater.

Jeff Hovan and Tim Bollinger were co-directors of the picnic.