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Board OK with cattle on Golden Key land

Sandy Fatzinger of 4584 Loch Valley Road has asked Weisenberg Township supervisors for help with an ongoing problem in her area.

Fatzinger told the board at their June 9 meeting there are 18-plus cattle stabled on a one-and-a-half acre property in the 4400 block of Golden Key Road, which she says should not be allowed.

The property contains a non-conforming barn due to setback, the use is conforming.

Her concerns were flies, odor and water draining off the property, which could contain animal manure.

The board also heard from District Manager of the Lehigh County Soil Conservation Service Bill McFadden and Agricultural Conservationist Damian Painter.

They said the property owner has a nutrient management plan in place and he is adhering to it.

Waste from the animals is removed from the property so as not to cause a problem.

According to the conservation service, there is no limit as to the number of cattle allowed on the property.

After hearing both sides of the story, supervisors told Fatzinger there was nothing the township could do to help her.

West Hills Business Center brought a plan before the board for final approval.

the plan entailed lot line changes of four lots in the development. Chris Dellinger of HRG Inc. represented the developer. The plan was approved.

William Beitler, Beitler Surveying, had a similar type of plan on Katem Court. The plan changed lot lines for three lots. It was also approved as a final plan.

The ordinance for the vacation of a portion of Kistler Court will be advertised. A resolution to repeal the "On-lot Sewage Management Agreement" was tabled at the request of the solicitor so he could review the matter.

The Robert and Susan Fick property was accepted into the Ag Security District. The property is 28.87 acres, south of Werleys Corner.

Kenneth and Diane Gehringer presented a petition to have their land included in the Ag Security District.

There are two properties totaling 35.87 acres. The application was accepted and will be included at a later date after the waiting period.

Jackie Grynaviski, chairperson of the Environmental Advisory Committee, presented plans to update the signs and install some new signs at Lyon Valley Park.

The board gave approval for the project with a $2,000 limit.

Fire Chief Scott Freeman told the board the new fire engine will be delivered in September.

The fie company still needs about $86,000 to pay for the truck.

Fundraising drives will be held to raise money for the cause.

Freeman said there was some careless burning in the township recently and urged residents to be careful when starting a fire.

They are also working with Berks County to make their communications system compatible with Berks County's.

Roadmaster Tony Werley said the crew was mowing and will be doing oil and chip on the township roads.

the board adopted a resolution setting a rate of $20 per hour for use of the roller by member townships.

Township Manager Brian Carl forwarded a resolution to the board for adoption, involving a change to the employee savings plan.

The resolution was approved.

Carl reported the zoning hearing board scheduled two hearings last month.

Lighthouse Baptist Church sought a variance to erect a sign that did not meet ordinance size regulations. The sign proposed was over the 6-square-foot maximum allowed. The appeal was denied.

The second appeal was by Circle of Seasons but no one was present to represent the application.

A resolution for the PennDOT Agility Agreement was presented to supervisors. This would allow the township and PennDOT to trade labor and services. This type of agreement is open to all municipalities.