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At the June 2 operations committee meeting of the Salisbury Township School District, Russ Liebensberger, of Paragon Transportation, asked for a 10-year minivan replacement exception which is part of the existing transportation contract.

Liebensberger said the 2005 eight passenger white Chevrolet vans used are in excellent condition; however, he cannot purchase newer models as they are no longer produced and none are available in Internet searches.

"All are well-maintained and meet safety requirements," Liebensberger said.

All minivans have approximately 100,000 miles. Any vehicles used over 10 years old result in the loss of state subsidy of $150 per vehicle. Liebensberger asked the board members to agree to his continued use of the minivans and he would reduce his contract by the amount of the state subsidy loss. The board members agreed.

Liebensberger also asked for additional parking spaces as he will be utilizing two of his bays for maintaining the vehicles. He will now have two mechanics to work on the vehicles.

Currently, Liebensberger parks some of the vehicles in the Harry S Truman Elementary School parking lot which is only a problem when there are activities at the school for guests and visitors.

An addition is planned for the bus building, at Liebensberger's expense, to store parts and tires. The addition will be placed on the end of the building near Emmaus Avenue and will be constructed of steel and concrete. Director of Maintenance William Brackett suggested getting quotes from an asphalt company and utilizing the old playground at HST for parking eight mini buses.

Brackett presented an HVAC preventative maintenance contract for the board members' approval. This three year contract would cover all rooftop units at Salisbury Middle School, both air conditioner units mounted outside of Western Salisbury Elementary School and the York chiller at HST. HSA Mechanical came in with the lowest price at $5,800. The committee agreed and this will be on the June 18 agenda for approval.

The total cost for a completely secure entrance at SMS is $117,869.97 which includes $99,400 from Walter Brucker and Co. for the entrance work and $18,469.37 for Stanley Security Solutions (card swipe). Brackett said even if the board approves the contract the project would not be completed by the start of the school year. The plan has been approved by the township.

Brackett provided an update on the rubberized floor being installed in the Salisbury High School gym. The flooring is expected to be completed the week of June 23.

Board members were updated on the recent fuel spill at the bus building. During a delivery of gas into the underground storage tanks, 40 to 50 gallons of fuel went into the parking lot, down into the storm drain and into the creek along the building.

Eastern Salisbury Fire Department's hazmat team put large pads into the creek. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection was contacted as well as a cleaning company. DEP's investigation showed the delivery driver was allegedly trying to pump gas rather than allowing for gravity feed. Testing has been completed and what is left on the ground is clean. The delivery company has taken responsibility for the spill.