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The curriculum committee of the Salisbury Township School District met June 9 with a presentation on the Multiple Disabilities Functional Classroom at Salisbury High School.

The presentation was introduced by Director of Special Education Nora Perron-Jones and included Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit staff Lisa Schumacher and Jane Seng.

Students in this classroom are those with complex needs, require intensive support, have multiple devices and equipment and require a functional curriculum. Many students experience hospitalizations which are common through- out the year.

"The district partnership was tremendous; thank you to everyone involved," Schumacher said.

"You should be very proud of everyone in your district. We are so grateful; the kids are thriving," Seng said.

Seng also wanted to publicly thank SHS Guidance Counselor Mike Anderson and the students involved in the Best Buddies program designed to provide socialization for the students.

A curriculum update was provided by Assistant Superintendent Randy Ziegenfuss. Highlights include approving a math curriculum for students in grades six through 12 to align to PA Core; review of the English curriculum for students in grades six through 12 to align to the PA Core; and the Envisions Math program was piloted.

Looking forward, Ziegenfuss said the plans are to implement the Envisions math program for the second year. In addition, the district is looking at science sequencing and the scores from the Keystone testing and the eighth grade PSSA tests. Computer science electives will be offered at the high school computer basics and gaming. A textiles elective will also be offered. Ziegenfuss said the district is investigating how to offer more electives to students including developing rolling electives, available on odd or even years. Students were surveyed on their interests.

Ziegenfuss said the district is investigating how to begin offering online and blended learning, specifically exploratory world languages which was removed from the curriculum several years ago.

Board member George Gatanis asked what languages would be offered and how it would work. Ziegenfuss said the district is in the very early stages of exploring the possibility.

Ziegenfuss told the committee the biology assessment has been challenging statewide; the district is working on a curriculum to help students aquire the skills needed. One challenge is content from other sciences is included in the Keystone biology test.

"So much of what we do is driven by the standardized testing," Board President Russell Giordano said.

Another challenge was the timing of the new Keystone tests.

"Last year, all 11th grade students took the biology Keystone test; many of those students took biology in ninth grade," board member Mary Ziegler said.

Superintendent Michael Roth informed the committee Salisbury Middle School has been chosen to have students participate in the mandatory National Assessment of Educational Progress testing next year. This means additional testing for students. Roth said the district will not see the test results which will go into the nation's report card. Testing should take three days.

Administration des-cribed the Envisions Math and STAR assessment software proposals which are included in the 2014-2015 budget.

Supervisor of Instructional Practice Lynn Fuini-Hetten has received good feedback from teachers on the STAR software which is designed to provide better diagnostic data on students and to help with assistance where needed. Funding for the software is included in the curriculum budget.

Roth provided an update on the strategic plan and described how the district's use of technology "allows student engagement." He hopes to present goals for 2020 to the board in August.