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Lowhill plans building expansion

Lowhill Township supervisors introduced the idea of expanding the municipal building during their June 5 board meeting.

"It's not going to be the Taj Mahal," Vice Chairman George Wessner Jr. said, during the public comment portion of the meeting. "Just a little addition."

Wessner said the renovation project is in the very beginning stages, but the board would like to move forward with the idea.

Supervisors said they want the roadmaster's office, housed in the garage, moved inside.

A new meeting room, conference room and bathrooms are also on the list of improvements, along with an exterior facelift.

Parking spaces may need to be moved along with the salt and gravel storage to make way for an addition.

"The property is narrow, but long with a steep slope on one side and Route 100 on the other," said Chairman Rick Hughes. "So we have to be creative."

Township Administrator Brian Carl said there are no plans other than an idea.

He said the board will first come up with a rough sketch of the idea based on building needs. He expects a proposal to be put out for bid sometime in the next five years.

Supervisors also signed an agreement to put $5,000 in escrow to cover any damage to township roads during the Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run on July 12.

The event is expected to draw 4,000 female participants to the area for the breast cancer prevention competition.

Supervisors signed a similar agreement for Tough Mudder, where they needed a $15,000 escrow account.

Secretary Jill Seymour read a letter sent by local farmer Sterling Ritter praising the township for its efforts in keeping roads near his property cleared during the winter.

Although it is not official yet, Jim Kuhns of Orefield is scheduled to take over for Peggy Hughes on the zoning hearing board. An alternate has not yet been decided.

Carol Betz will be available at the township building to collect property taxes Aug. 19-21 and from Aug. 26-28.

All apporved allowing Eric and Jennifer Orth to subdivide a portion of land at 6636 Wieand Court, New Tripoli, and of Richard and Kenneth Divers' request for a lot line adjustment on the 32-acre farm at 3439 Weidasville and 3350 Highland Roads, Orefield.