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Flag Day salute in West Park

A decades-long proud tradition between the Allentown Flag Day Association and the Great Allentown Band commemorating Flag Day will continue 7 p.m. June 14 in West Park.

In case of rain, the event will take place in William Allen High School auditiorium.

After presentation of colors by the cadets of William Allen's Navy Junior ROTC, under the leadership of retired Navy Chief Petty Officer Allen J. Rodriguez, Old Glory will be waving proudly to the selections of Conductor Ron Demkee to include "God of Our Fathers; " George M. Cohan's "Star Spangled Spectacular;" "God Bless the U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood; and appropriately, all veterans will be applauded during the "Armed Forces Salute" by Richard Hayman.

Soprano soloist Evelyn Stewart will enhance Wilhousky's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "God Bless America" in addition to leading the National Anthem.

The Rev. Robert T. Stevens, senior pastor at Zion's "Liberty Bell" Church, Allentown, since 1995 will speak.

He is president of the Hamilton District Main Street Program Board of Directors, president of the Rotary Club of Allentown, a member of the Liberty Bell Museum Board of Directors and a local history buff.

A free-will offering will be taken to perpetuate the programs of the Allentown Flag Day Association, the oldest incorporated Flag Day association in the United States, founded in 1907 by Allentown resident Joe Hart.