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Eighteen memorial bricks added to honor veterans

The weather was perfect for the outdoor ceremony held May 25, as 18 memorial bricks were placed by loved ones in the walkways at The Remembrance Garden at the Knauss Homestead, to honor family members who served in the U.S. military.

This was the eighth annual bricklaying ceremony and the 10th anniversary of the Emmaus Commemorative Gardens Foundation.

"I am incredibly proud of what we have created here for the residents of our community," Dr. Mike Waddell, executive director of the foundation said. The memory garden continues to endure and grow year after year.

"We've touched the lives of hundreds of people in and outside of the borough in a special way that will be in place for generations to come," Waddell said.

The ceremony began with guests reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and members of the Emmaus Veteran's Committee firing a three-shot rifle volley to honor United States veterans.

In addition to Waddell, Tom Gettings, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and charter member of the foundation, and Pennsylvania State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, delivered tribute remarks.

Linda Wheeler, a retired sergeant in the United States Air Force, was the featured speaker, commenting on the special place military service has had in her life.

Waddell called each family member who had purchased a memorial brick forward after reading the inscription on each brick, which displayed the name and rank of the veteran being honored, their branch of service and the years they served.

Afterward, each brick replaced an unmarked brick and was placed securely into the walkway of the appropriate service branch by a family member and tamped into place in the family's location of choice.