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'Night' plans proceed on schedule

Tents in the car cruise have caused disruptions lining the cars up at Night in the Country, reported Night Committee Chair Kathy Hermany to Northwestern Recreation Commission members at their May meeting.

Although cars enter free, the board discussed the possibility of paying for space next to cars. The Night Committee will study the recommended width to possibly mark spaces and decide on tents in the areas.

Constables will provide security at Night.

Tower lights have been donated by SealMaster, Bellview Pumps and Ransome Rents.

Several more are needed, Hermany said.

The Rotary Club of Allentown West has asked if members can distribute balloons from their stand emphasizing its Snack Pack program.

The request was approved by the commission.

A group to run the Chinese auction is still needed. A donation of $200 will be given to the group for charitable uses.

The Lions Club raffle will be for a 1993 Corvette instead of a Mustang, as in the past. Winners may take the car or money.

Water may not be the problem as was expected if the fire companies again have a competition at "Night." Firefighters were expected to present their plans but were unavailable to atttend the May 28 meeting.

Todd Leiser of the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association did not know if training for the coaches in field care had been done.

NWL Activities Director Jason Zimmerman was to do the training.

In the meantime Jim Hughes, maintenance person at the fields, is to continue doing what he has been.

Commission member LeRoy Sorensen said field 5 needs work, including the berms on the grass.

Sorensen said in his opinion, someone should be hired to do the work.

Lynn Township Representative to the rec commission Justin Smith said seedings and straw have been done on the back fields.

Grass is germinating. The silt fence still has to be put up.

Some spots are puddling, said Sorensen, adding that is a grading issue.

Lynn Township crews will erect a short section of fence to deter snowmobiles in the corner of the community park along Route 309.

NWL Director of Operations Arthur Oakes will have a company look at the basketball court and give an estimate on the cost of fixing a crack.

Heidelberg Township Representative to the rec commission Steve Bachman suggested there be a township-wide set of park regulations.

There is not to be smoking in the community park but Hughes said he picks up many butts and electric cigarettes.

He said when he sees someone using them, he asks them to leave.