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The Salisbury Township K-9 patrol program was lauded with the unveiling of a portrait of Zeus, the township's first police patrol dog.

Salisbury Township Police Officer Jason Laky, who heads the township police department K-9 program, recalled the last hours of Zeus.

"Zeus just gave some kind of look, like, 'I have to move on,'" Laky recalled.

A painting of Zeus by Jessica Hoffman was shown to township officials and the public for the first time at the May 22 board of commissioners meeting in the municipal building.

Hoffman created the 24 inch by 30 inch painting in chalk and acrylics.

Plans are to display the painting, once it is framed, in the township police department headquarters.

Laky presented a commemorative plaque to Hoffman for doing the painting. The plaque includes a color photograph of Zeus.

Laky also presented plaques to Wendell Mukics, of Salisbury Township, who recently donated $500, as he has in previous years, to the township K-9 program, and to Allentown Police Department Officer Matthew Geake, a city K-9 patrolman who has assisted Salisbury with its program.

Salisbury Township Police Chief Allen W. Stiles said of Mukics, "He's donated thousands of dollars for Salisbury and our K-9 patrol."

Zeus was brought to the United States from Hungary. Mukics emigrated to the United States from Hungary where he was a state police patrolman and had a K-9 dog.

"My dog maybe was his [Zeus] great, great grandfather," Mukics quipped at the awards ceremony.

Salisbury's K-9 program is now in its 12th year. Zeus was put into service in May 2003. After seven years, Zeus was retired. He developed lymphoma in August 2013. He was euthanized. In June 2010, Fonzie took over for Zeus.

The K-9 patrol is effective in locating narcotics, search operations and as township police department goodwill ambassadors.