Published June 04. 2014 12:00AM
To the Editor:
Lower Macungie Township Commissioner Brian Higgins was recently quoted saying considering LMT has 30,000 residents, very few seem interested in the Hamilton Crossings Tax Increment Financing debate.
I hope residents will prove him wrong by showing up at the LMT board's June 5 meeting when they will vote on the TIF.
The most overlooked aspect of the debate is the developer has repeatedly stated to the LMT and East Penn boards it will cost $12 million to remediate the mine wash at the site, so the TIF scheme to divert tax revenues to this project is necessary.
But the LCIDA [Lehigh County Industrial Development Authority] TIF plan states the developer will be purchasing this land for $16 million from the Catholic church.
If the land is so contaminated and impaired, why isn't that reflected in the purchase price?
Let the Pope take the hit on this, not Lower Macungie and East Penn taxpayers.
Donald Richards
Lower Macungie Township