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Student profile: Michael Mintzer, Bethlehem Catholic HS

Grade: 12

Family members: Jim Mintzer, dad; Rose Ann Mintzer, mom; Jimmy, Mary Rose, Joanna, Patrick

Favorite subject: Accounting I and II; I love accounting. I love the numbers and I love the format of the whole subject.

Activities: Football, 2010; cross country, 2011; soccer, 2012; tennis 2011, 2012, 2013; FACT Club; senior class president; Squires; Mock Trial; Scholastic Scrimmage; National Honors Society; homecoming court

Next steps: I plan on going to college and major in accounting.

Career goals: I want to be hired by the FBI.

Heroes: My heroes are my mom and dad. They give so much up for my siblings and me and I love them so much.

Hobbies: I like to listen to music and hang out with friends.

Current job(s): During the summer, I work at the Memorial Pool.

Volunteer/community work: I went on the service trip offered by Bethlehem Catholic. I also have had more than 40 hours of service the past three years.

Likes: I like the Eagles and Phillies. I love playing Fantasy Football also.

Dislikes: I hate bugs.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): My greatest accomplishment has been going on the service trip. It changed my life for the better.

Advice for peers: Get involved in your school. Make the most out of high school. It goes quick.

Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press.

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