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Focus on Firefighters

Jeremy Brown used to "run" with a group of friends with the Blandon Fire Company, in Berks County, but they gradually moved away.

When he moved to Germansville, he spoke with the fire chief and joined the Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville.

He has been with the company for two years.

Brown has interior firefighting and rescue training.

"Entering a burning building is both scary and not," Brown said, adding he has the background to know what to do, so it just becomes a matter of common sense.

For young people, firefighting provides a good experience with training in team work and leadership, he explained.

"It gives you a chance to help people," Brown said.

He has responded to several major incidents, mostly in Blandon. The most severe fire was at the Tannery in Fleetwood.

The old abandoned four or five story clothing company covered much of a city block. The firefighters prevented the fire from spreading to adjacent buildings.

Brown has also been to several serious accidents and a few barn fires, two of which they were able to save.