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May 5

The Salisbury Township School District administration team will present its public presentation of the proposed 2014-2015 budget at the 7 p.m. May 5 meeting and residents are asked to attend.

School board members will hear the administration's recommendations at the same time as the residents at this meeting held at the adminstration building.

The proposed final budget is expected to be adopted at the May 14 meeting.

The final budget is expected to be adopted at the June 18 meeting for submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

A budget update was given to school board members at the April 7 operations committee meeting.

The proposed final budget for 2014-2015 is $32,888,035.

The budget includes salary increases as per employees' contracts and agreements, health insurance increases and projected increases in the Public School Employees' Retirement System.

Additional increases include bus transportation, fuel, charter school and out of district tuition.

State revenues are based on Governor Tom Corbett's proposed budget which, according to Business Manager Robert Bruchak assumes no increase in basic education, special education or transporation funding.

As of the April 7 meeting, there was a budget deficit of $1,044,979.

Various scenarios were presented which included raising taxes, using a portion of the fund balance or a combination of both.

The board continues to struggle with the unfunded mandates imposed on the school district by the PDE and the federal government, which are then passed on to the residents in the form of higher taxes.

During the process of work on the 2014-2015 budget, salaries and benefits have been reduced by $311,936 after reinstating the KidsPeace relationship. In addition, salaries have been reduced by $63,560 due to two additional teacher retirements as well as benefits for those two positions.

Lastly, the administration has proposed a change in the special education supervisor position from part time to full time, increasing salaries by $20,981 and benefits by $29,283.