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Weisenberg Twp representatives attend annual PSATS convention

Weisenberg Township supervisors had their April meeting one week earlier than usual.

They will be attending the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors convention in Hershey the week of their regular meeting.

Township officials from across the state attend this convention to learn new information that could be helpful for their communities.

Supervisors appointed Eric Orth to the UCC Board of Appeals.

Bids were opened for road materials. Eastern Industries was awarded the bid for stone while E.J.B. Paving and Materials were the low bidder for cold patch.

Lehigh Fuels received the award for diesel fuel and fuel oil; Horwith Fuel Oil bid lowest on gasoline.

Asphalt Maintenance was low bidder for crack seal, A-1 Traffic Control will do line painting and Midland Asphalt Materials was low bidder in the multi-township bid for oil.

In other matters, resident Sandy Kantor asked supervisors for a reduction in the speed limit on Bausch Road in Weisenberg and Lowhill townships.

She cited the speed reduction enacted in Lynn Township a few years ago.

Supervisors agreed to have a traffic study done, with the cost being split between the two townships.

Township Manager Brian Carl put on his firefighter's hat and gave the Weisenberg Township Volunteer Fire Department report.

The fire company had 17 calls in March with a total of 60 for the year. The second floor of the fire station is almost complete and will be ready for furniture shortly.

The zoning hearing board heard an appeal from Circle of Seasons Charter School for a special exception.

Their plan is to expand a building at the former Penn State campus to include a pre-kindergarten school. The hearing was continued until next month.

Supervisors approved a resolution for a traffic signal at the intersection of I-78 and Route 863.

Hillwood Development dedicated the traffic light to the township. Telco will maintain this light as well as the crossing lights at Weisenberg Elementary School.

An account will be opened to address future expense and the maintenance of the light.

Road business was discussed at the end of the meeting.

A future meeting between Roadmaster Tony Werley and PennDOT will be held to discuss the use of Old 22 for detours around I-78 and Penn DOT's request to take over a portion of Old 22.