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Lowhill Twp resident asks board for 30 mph Bausch Road limit

Sandy Kantor, who operates a horse farm on the Lowhill Township section of Bausch Road, which is also in Lynn Township, asked Lowhill supervisors to post its portion of the road at 30 mph as Lynn has done.

She told supervisors April 3 horses are ridden along the road. A dog and other animals have been hit on the road.

State police will not enforce the speed limit unless it is posted every mile, she said.

Solicitor Charles Waters said a traffic study would be needed or there would not be enforcement.

Chairman Rick Hughes said enforcement means the police have to be there at the right time.

Administrator Brian Carl said Kantor should mention her request to Weisenberg supervisors because the two townships often work together. Bausch Road continues into Weisenberg.

Supervisor Buddy Wessner said Bausch is the lowest traveled road in the township.

In other mattters, Auditor Carole Dorsch said the audit was completed within the timeline.

Secretary Jill Seymour has been working on most of the suggestions the auditors made. Dorsch praised Seymour as being easy to work with.

The developer on Country Spring Road wants to hold a site meeting. Engineer Ryan Christman had visited the site and said where the double driveway was desired there was not sufficient sight distance, but there was enough 240 feet to the east.

Carl Kressley, roadmaster, pointed out there is a well easement on the property.

Brian Carl said the Dirty Girl Mud Run will not be using Lowhill roads but will be on Heidelberg roads.

Bittner's Corner Bridge will be replaced. Hughes said he was shocked the state will put in a new bridge on a road where there are only seven or eight houses.

B. Carl was concerned about school children picked up in the area but the district said it could use a van instead of a bus while work is being done.

Kressley said sweeping roads is being done and in some places the stones are 6-inches deep because of multiple spreadings.

Portions of Mill Creek, Weidasville and Game Preserve roads are scheduled for tar and chipping.

The state will blacktop Claussville Road from Seipstown. Work is expected the second last week of April.

Kressley attended a seminar on keeping pollutants out of creeks and streams. He said it is not an issue now but may become one in Lowhill.

Bids for road materials were received from Lehigh Asphalt, Slatedale Aggregate and Eastern Industries.

Supervisors read the bids but will not make a decision until May.

The four-township bid for road oil was approved with Midland Asphalt getting the bid at $2.013 per gallon.