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Director of Facilities and Maintenance William Brackett presented the operations committee with an American Red Cross agreement at the April 7 meeting.

The American Red Cross wants to use Salisbury High School and Harry S Truman Elementary School as emergency shelters when the buildings are unoccupied.

Brackett said the solicitor reviewed the document, made changes to the document which were then approved and returned to the district for approval.

"There is no liability, no risk to the district," Brackett said. "They [American Red Cross] are on the hook for all costs - 100 percent."

The agreement to use school district facilities would be tied into the county emergency management plans.

After a few questions are answered, the committee expects to agree to the request.

In other business, the committee heard the first reading of changes to Policy 202 - Eligibility of Non-Resident Students presented by Robert Fischer and Superintendent Michael Roth.

Roth said changes were proposed because last year the district found students attending Salisbury schools whose parents did not reside in the district.

Salisbury does not accept tuition students at this time.

In the proposed changes, Roth said the district will allow a student to attend Salisbury if the student will be moving into the district within 90 days for example, if a house is being built; however, tuition must be paid and no transportation will be provided. The district reserves the right to disenroll the student if the guidelines are not met.

Other issues discussed included if there are 60 days left in a school term and the student is moving, the students may finish at Salisbury tuition free. If it is more than 60 days, the student may attend until the end of the school year on a tuition basis.

The tuition is currently $12,000 a year.

If a student attends elementary school on the western side and moves to the eastern side, they can finish at Western with no transporation provided.

If a junior or senior moves out of the district, they can continue in Salisbury on a tuition basis.

Roth said the state defines residency as where the parents reside.

A second reading was expected at the curriculum meeting April 14 and a third reading will also be scheduled.

Lastly, Business Manager Robert Bruchak said the district was approached by AT&T to locate a cell tower on school district property.

The proposed location is on the side of the administration building above the parking lot. The equipment would include a tower, flagpole with four antennas or an artificial tree and a shed the size of seven parking spots for equipment storage. The committee discussed other vendors wanting to utilize the tower, and if so additional ground space might be needed.

The proposed rental agreement would be for five years and would bring in approximately $24,000 a year to the district. The agreement could be extended to 20 years and can be terminated every five years. The district would not have a say in what the sheds would look like, nor would the district be able to require AT&T to plant shrubbery around the shed.