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Road crew replaces missing signs

Heidelberg Township Roadmaster Kevin Huber reported the road crew is watching for missing, stolen or knocked down road signs following the wind and snow of this past winter. His report was part of the March 20 supervisors' meeting.

Huber also told supervisors at their March 20 meeting, the crew has filled holes in dirt roads.

He also obtained a free, never-used Ingersoll Rand generator from federal surplus.

The Meyers plow mold board is so thin it will not last long, Huber said. He replaced it with a quick-mount plow.

Brushes are being replaced on the road sweeper and work will begin depending on the weather.

Supervisor David Fink said the township's red truck is in really bad shape and may not last another season.

Supervisor Steve Bachman said Huber should watch surplus sites for a replacement.

Fink thanked Huber for finding buyers for the old Tiger Mower and roller. The mower sold for $3,650 and the old roller brought in $810.

Giving the office report, Supervisor Rodney Schlauch said Administrator and Secretary/Treasurer Janice Meyers is training Tara Jones, a new part-time person.

Kathy Hermany, who previously held Jones' job, came to help her.

Bachman, in the recreation report, said Celebration Fireworks will again provide the fireworks for Night in the Country at a cost of $15,500. Field maintenance will cost between $6,000 and $9,000 for the next year.

Cabinets in the tax office are empty, said Meyers. The computer is broken and Phyllis Brein-inger asked what had happened to the computer.

Meyers said the maintenance person said it was just too old to use.

Zoning Officer Ryan Christman, of Keystone Consulting Engineers, Wescosville, said the township has received two permits for replacing culverts. He will meet with the planning commission and see if grants are available for the culvert work.

Meyers said there have been complaints about Heidelberg Heights parking. Residents leave unlicensed vehicles in front of their homes for six months at a time.

Bachman said the ordinance has to be worked on to correct that situation.

Meyers sent a letter to the Northwestern Lehigh School District about recycling, required by township ordinance.

She did not receive an answer so she called the new director of operations, Arthur Oakes.

He said Waste Management picks up garbage and Cougle picks up some recyclables. He promised to get back to Meyers.

Bachman said the township received two proposals for a security system. Supervisors accepted the ADT proposal. The ADT representative said the company will provide monitoring 24/7, 365 days a year.

Surveillance cameras will be replaced.

A change to the employee handbook states employees who leave to help with emergency services must report the time they leave and return to their supervisor. There are no employees working with a fire company or ambulance corps at this time.

Meyers said a bid was received for a vibratory roller from PowerCo for $44,200.

The board accepted the bid. The money was budgeted and will be paid from the general fund.

Auditors said a log of jobs should be kept by the roadmaster. The roadmaster and a supervisor should sign or initial all time sheets.

Fink said he normally reviews them. Auditor Charlie Perich said if they are initialed, the auditors know they have been seen.

Perich said the township is required to provide recycling and the Department of Environmental Protection said the recyclables in the bins should come from within the municipality.

Yard trash should be composted.

Fink said there are four classes of recyclables and supervisors will review the ordinance.

Bachman said he is not willing to place another $30 fee on homeowners to have recyclables picked up at homes.

Bachman said a DEP representative told him what the township is doing is OK, but resident Carl Breininger said they needed a letter to that effect.

The township received a $3,125 performance grant for 2012. There were 3,151 tons of recyclables.

Meyers said Greg Cook, publisher, asked if the board wants a township newsletter. Cook would need 2-1/2 months lead time to publish.

The "no-cash" payment for taxes cannot be enforced as cash is legal tender for all debts and taxes are a debt.

Residents are urged to use another form of payment.

A resolution will be passed so Tax Collector Phyllis Breininger has cover in case of receiving counterfeit money.

A means of covering township expenses when a large organization comes into the township and leaves maintenance problems was discussed.

Schlauch said there has to be a method of covering costs to the township.

CleanSweep 2014 for the four Northwestern townships will be held from 8 a.m.-noon April 12 at the Lowhill Township Municipal.

Residents are invited to bring recycling and cleanup items to the event sponsored by the Rural Preservation Association of Northwestern Lehigh County.