After-school book fair is on April 16
Steckel Spring Pictures Day is April 11. All students will have a picture taken, but purchase will be optional. The students have received a form to review.
School will be closed for spring break April 18 and 21. Please note there will be classes April 17, a snow make up date. School will be back in session April 22. Have a safe and Happy spring break with family and friends.
The next school board meeting will be held on April 14. The group will meet at the administration building on campus. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. The community is invited and encouraged to attend.
The PTSA will hold its next meeting April 15. The meeting this month will be held at the Whitehall-Coplay Middle School from 7-8 p.m.
The Gockley Elementary School Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the cafeteria from 3:15 to 7:30 p.m. April 16. This is an after-school event. Parents must accompany their children. The book fair offers specially priced books and educational products. There will be interactive software, adult books and current best-sellers from more than 10 publishers. Students will be given an information and book list to take home for parents to review.
Please make note of the following dates that are scheduled for make up days. There will be school on April 17, May 5, June 12 and June 16. June 17 is the student's last day with early dismissal. Teachers will have their in-service work days until June 20.
Report cards for Gockley and Zephyr elemtary students will be going home April 16. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, please contact your child's teacher.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTSAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at with " Whitehall-Coplay School News" in the subject line at least a week before an event.