South Whitehall Township
Parkland Community Library, 4422 Walbert Ave., South Whitehall will be hosting World Book Night.
For those people who have signed up to take part in this event and be a book giver, don't forget to pick up your book at the library on April 23.
Then, give them away to somebody else. Spread reading from person to person.
For information go to
Each year, 30- 35 books are chosen by an independent panel of librarians and booksellers.
The authors waive their royalties and the publishers agree to pay the costs of producing the specially-printed World Book Night U.S. editions.
Bookstores and libraries sign up to be community host locations for the volunteer book givers.
The Youth Services Department at the library is offering family movie night 6:30-8:30 p.m. April 9.
Positions for teen summer library interns are available for shelving and for library programming assistance.
Applications can be found in the library or on the website.
Teens entering grades eight through 12 in the fall are eligible.
Dateline to return applications to the Youth Services Department is May 31.
The Shared Ride Program will transport senior citizens from their home to their destination, if called a day in advance. Anyone who pays the fare can use the service
Passengers must agree to share the vehicle with other passengers.
The Shared-Ride Program for Senior Citizens allows anyone over the age of 65 to use shared ride transportation.
To register for the discount, you must contact LANtaVan at 610-253-8333 or 800-253-8333 or go Under the state program, 85 percent of the full fare is covered by the Shared Ride Program through lottery fund proceeds.
Allentown Community Concerts will a return with an engagement of "Tres Voce," with tenors Karl Skully, Dan Rod-riguez, the singing cop, and Ciaran Sheenan, 7:30 p.m. April 25 in the Parkland High School auditorium, 2700 Cedar Crest Blvd, South Whitehall Township.