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Queen Esther's joyous festivities highlighted at Purim Palooza

A Purim Palooza or, in other words, a really fun Purim carnival recently took place at the Jewish Community Center, Allentown.

The Jewish holiday of Purim commemorates the victory of the ancient Persian Jewish community, led by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai to overturn a plot to exterminate the Jews formulated by Prime Minister Haman and King Ahashuerus.

Esther convinced the king not to proceed with the plan.

To celebrate this joyous holiday, children and adults dress up as Mordechai, Esther, Haman and Ahashuerus.

At the JCC, costumes were encouraged and, as in every carnival, games were played to win prizes.

There also was a moon bounce, face painting, arts and crafts, plenty of delicious food and, let's not forget, hamantaschen, the three-cornered cookies filled with a variety of fruit fillings.