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Director of Special Education Nora Perron-Jones presented a draft of the Special Education Plan as part of the strategic plan for Salisbury Township School District at the March 10 meeting of the curriculum and technology committee.

The 40-page plan will be posted on the school district website at www. stsd.org for the public to review for 28 days. It is expected to be officially adopted at the April board meeting.

The planning committee consisted of parents, teachers and students and the plan details the special education services plan for students July 1 through June 30, 2017.

There are 289 students identified as special education students receiving services within Salisbury Township School District.

Perron-Jones noted there are some students who are non-residents but living in group homes within the township receiving services in the district. Northwestern Human Services and Step-by-Step are two such homes and students, supervised by caseworkers, have Salisbury as their local education agency. In addition, Transitions is a partial hospitalization day program part of Lehigh Valley Hospital Network. A special education teacher is contracted through the Carbon-Lehigh Intermediate Unit to provide services. If a student from Salisbury requires this treatment, the district assists with the tuturorial nature of their education.

Regarding KidsPeace, Salisbury is the overseeing local education agency for all students in Parkland and Salisbury and makes formal recommendations to Parkland for services. This is an annual contract between Salisbury and KidsPeace.

"To date, the working relationship between Salisbury and its agency neighbors has been phenomenal," Perron-Jones said. "The most common obstacles have been communication with agency staff outside our county."

All special education students are members of the general education classroom. "We are committed to educating students in the most responsible least restrictive environment to the maximum extent appropriate for each child," Perron-Jones said. "The removal of students from the regular education environment occurs only when the education in that setting with supplementary aids and services cannot be satisfactorily achieved."

Perron-Jones said the district's commitment to cutting edge technology and learning practices have helped bring individualed programs and assistive tools to students privately and in all classes.

"The technology in the classroom supports their dignity and maintains their privacy."

Co-teaching is another successful practice within the district which allows the special education student to stay in the general education class and receive assistance from instructional assistants who have received specialized training.

Special education teachers work with other specialists including two full-time psychologists, three full-time reading specialists and two full-time instructional support teachers.

Salisbury contracts for services in speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision services, orientation and mobility services, audiological services and interpreter services through the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit and neighboring school districts.

To manage crisis behavior the district has a trainer-of-trainers current in certification to bring Crisis Prevention Institute professional development to special education teachers, assistants and bus staff.

Perron-Jones said each school building has its own program for leveled incentives and discipline. These programs are detailed in the special education plan.

Among the strengths noted, Perron-Jones said Salisbury brings together "rigorous curriculum, transformative teaching and learning practices, caring relationships and real world classroom tools to create individualized, quality educational experiences. Our small size makes it possible for the schools to offer unique and innovative services to students within a personal environment."

Goals for the special education department include continued digital tools and resources for teachers, expanded assistive technology with a 1 to 1 initiative and the development of a special education forum for parents and teachers to meet regularly.

Perron-Jones said the STSD special education department facilitates positive outcomes for all students. We are "Quality educators and administrators who are invested in the success of the diverse learning students in Salisbury Township School District."