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Revisions to the school calendar were officially approved by the school board at the regular meeting March 19 as was a memorandum of understanding between the Salisbury Township Education Association and the district.

Salisbury Township School District Superintendent Michael Roth revised the school calendar due to winter weather and worked with the education association on professional development days.

ŸApril 16 is now a student day with early dismissal for secondary students at 12:15 p.m. and elementary students at 1 p.m.

ŸApril 17 is now a student day with early dismissal for secondary students at 10:15 a.m. and elementary students at 11 a.m.

ŸApril 21 is now a student day.

ŸMay 23 is now a student day.

Roth said currently the last student day of school will be June 13. In the event there are any more closures for inclement weather, make up days will be added to the end of the calendar starting with June 16.

Board President Russell Giordano thanked Roth for keeping the students' safety in mind when making the decision to close schools.

In other business, the board approved a two year agreement with Transfinder for transportation software at a total cost of $14,195.

At the March 3 operations meeting, Supervisor of Instructional Practice Lynn Fuini-Hetten and Business Administrator Robert P. Bruchak presented their request for software to become more efficient and accurate in the transportation of students. The district transports students to 47 schools and according to staff, this software will be more accurate and efficient.

The district looked at three different transportation software packages and Transfinder seemed to have the best fit. Transfinder has 25 years experience and serves 1,500 school districts with 85 clients in Pennsylvania. The software includes parcel data with satellite maps, route finders, mapping accuracy and safely assigns students to bus stops. It takes an upload from the district management system and shows students who attend which schools and where they live. It also shows homes not eligible for busing, safety concerns and routes. Paragon would have view rights but no editing rights to the software. The district would set the bus stops.

Roth said the cost savings tools to the district include efficiency, elimination of route overlaps, driving path changes to reduce miles, walk zone enforcement and efficiency of daily tasks for Director of Transportation Verna Schuon. In addition, if secretaries or administrators have questions about students and their bus routes, they would also have access to the information.

Director of Maintenance William Brackett reported the gym floor at Salisbury High School is down to the concrete and finished. All air tests have returned "spotless."

Bruchak reported the Pennsylvania School Board Association is looking for strong leaders. All applications of those willing to serve should be in by April 30.

Salisbury Middle School Principal Robert Cassidy reported the recent dance-a-thon raised $10,000 which will be split between two charities.

All school principals said they are preparing for student testing which will occur this spring.

On a somber note, the board acknowledged the passing of Betty Kline on March 7. Kline was a cook at Harry S Truman Elementary School for 41 years and retired in 2013. Wayne Leibensperger, a 2011 SHS graduate died March 17.