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Night at the Races supports boys team

Whitehall Boys Basketball Team presents the 4th Annual Night at the Races March 29 at the American Club of Coplay. The doors open 5:30 p.m. and the races begin 7 p.m. Ticket price includes beer, soda, barbecue, chips and pretzels. Call or email Linda Melosky for tickets and information at lmelosky@gmail.com or 610-730-4045


Please make note of the following dates that are scheduled for snow make-up days. There will be school on April 17, May 5, June 12, June 16 and June 17 is the student's last day. Teacher's will have in-service until June 20.


Whitehall High School Theatre proudly presents Rogers & Hammerstein's "South Pacific."

Tickets for this year's performance are currently on sale. The show runs April 3-6 with performances 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday. The cost is $12 for adults and $8 for senior citizens and students. There is also an optional dinner theatre April 5 6 p.m. The cost of the dinner is an additional $17. Tickets can be purchased at the high school box office on Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. or you can mail a self-addressed stamped envelope to Whitehall High School Theatre 3800 Mechanicsville Road, Whitehall, 18052, with the number of tickets needed, the date of the show date and time and a check payable to Whitehall Theatre. Tickets are first-come-first-served, best available seating.


PSSAs will be taking place March 25-April 3 for grades 3 to 8. Please be sure your child is in attendance for the tests. These are the Pennsylvania state required tests. Be sure your child gets enough rest and eats a good breakfast.


Whitehall-Coplay School District Trip Policy states educational trips are limited to seven school days per year. Any days missed for travel beyond the seven days of absence will be illegal days if the student's age is 16 or younger. The Family Educational Trip Request Form available in the school office must be submitted to the office before departure. If the form is not submitted before the trip, the days will be considered illegal. The district prefers that all trips be scheduled during holiday breaks.