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Lowhill Township remembers Dengler

Lowhill Township supervisors asked for a moment of silence in memory of fellow Supervisor Frank Dengler who died Feb. 22.

A letter of thanks and a picture of the flowers provided by the township was received by the board from Dengler's wife, Clarabelle.

In other matters, Jim Kuhns, during public comment, said he did not like the way the new supervisor was chosen.

However, he was more upset because he had been led to believe he, as an alternate, would be the next person appointed to the zoning hearing board.

The subject was mentioned at the March 13 supervisors' meeting.

Terry Nagle was chosen instead of Kuhns.

Supervisor Chair Rick Hughes said Nagle was appointed at the January reorganization meeting.

Hughes apologized for the misunderstanding.

Resident Tom Ebanks said he walked up to Route 100 because Hausman Circle had not been plowed.

He saw the township truck working on Old Village Road, a road with no residents, and wondered why that was considered more important than Hausman Circle.

Roadmaster Carl Kressley reported to the board the plows have been patched together. There was so much snow it could not be pushed back farther. Some signs were damaged during plowing.

Kressley said road salt cost a total of $33,700 for this winter.

"You did a good job," Hughes said. "Tell the guys."

Administrator Brian Carl said there are 43 residential sewer customers.

He suggested talking with the Lehigh County Authority to see if there is interest in that agency in taking it over.

There are two customers who have moved leaving unpaid bills, one from 2004 and one from 2008.

If LCA would take over the sewer system, bill collection would be its responsibility.

Hughes said the township has $100,000 in the sewer account.