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Salisbury Township School District Superintendent Michael Roth has revised the school calendar.

"This winter certainly has posed many challenges in terms of weather, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and understanding. In an effort to create consistency for students and their learning, the district has added the following to the 2013-2014 calendar as make up days," Roth said.

ŸApril 16 is now a student day with early dismissal for secondary students at 12:15 p.m. and elementary students at 1 p.m.

ŸApril 17 is now a student day with early dismissal for secondary students at 10:15 a.m. and elementary students at 11 a.m.

ŸApril 21 is now a student day.

ŸMay 23 is now a student day.

Roth said currently the last student day will be June 13. In the event there are any more closures for inclement weather, make up days will be added to the end of the calendar starting with June 16.

Principals will send home school building-specific information to families.