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St. Thomas More students enjoy turkey dinner

St. Thomas More School students were treated to a special turkey dinner served in the school cafeteria March 13 after a prayer assembly to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ordination of St. Thomas More Parish pastor, Monsignor John P. Murphy.

Cafeteria coordinator M.J. Muller was optimistic earlier in the week when a possible winter storm event was on the horizon.

"The ground has gotten warmer," Muller predicted, "and I don't think it's going to be a problem. I've got nearly a hundred pounds of turkey and a hardworking crew to serve it. Come Thursday morning at 11 a.m., it's going to be ready," she said with a big smile.

The storm was really a non-event and the student body enjoyed the special dinner.

Murphy, the parish's second pastor, came to St. Thomas More in October 1980, after more than 16 years at Immaculate Conception Church in Allentown.

A native of Shenandoah, Monsignor Murphy was assigned to Immaculate Conception following his ordination in 1964. He served as assistant pastor there until 1975 when he was named pastor.

A graduate of St. Charles Seminary in Overbrook, Murphy was invested as a monsignor in 1982.