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First of four parts

The Salisbury Township Police Department had another busy year, based on an annual report released by Salisbury Township Police Chief Allen W. Stiles.

The biggest increase was in traffic arrests, which totaled 2,038 last year, more than double that of 872 in 2012.

Crash investigations were 344, a slight increase from 337 in 2012.

DUI arrests were 43, up somewhat from 37 in 2012.

Parking tickets were 42, more than double that of 19 issued in 2012.

Ambulance calls were 842, down from 885 in 2012.

Fire calls were 202, up from 175 in 2012.

Alarm responses were 517, down from 550 in 2012.

Juvenile arrests were 128, up from 111 in 2012.

Adult arrests were 311, down from 348 in 2012.

Non-traffic arrests were 210, down from 375 in 2012.

Calls dispatched were 6,983, down slightly from 7,002 in 2012.

Incident reports were 6,038 last year, down somewhat from 6,105 in 2012.

In department hours: overtime was 3,192, down a bit from 3,205.5 in 2012; part-time, 2,171, up from 1,630 in 2012, and court, 295, down from 289.5 in 2012.

Cruiser miles were 196,067, up from 195,463 in 2012.

Police department revenue was $68,098.89 last year, an increase from $53,907.86 in 2012.

Revenue by category was:

Vehicle code violations, $42,879.46 last year, up dramatically from $30,238.49 in 2012;

Parking tickets, $1,375, up by a huge amount from $165 in 2012;

Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest parking tickets, $3,705, down by nearly one-half from $7,145 in 2012;

Police reports, $4,187, down from $4,739.52 in 2012;

County fines, $12,913.45, up noticeably from $9,224.85 in 2012;

Security alarm ordinance, $1,925, down a bit from $2,000 in 2012, and

Fingerprints, $80, down from $395 in 2012.

Also, in 2013, there was $668.98 in miscellaneous fines and $365 in property damage, for which 2012 comparables were not provided.

The 2013 police department budget was $1,702,401, of the 2013 township budget of $6,950,307. The 2012 police department budget was $1,517,302, of the 2012 township budget of $6,178,098.

The 2013 police department expenditures were $1,831,191, up from $1,616,225 in 2012.

In addition to the police department revenue of $68,098.89, there was $55,274 in grants received in 2013, which is nearly triple that of $21,875 in 2012.

The Salisbury Township population is 13,505, with 5,285 housing units in 11.4 square-miles.

The cost per incident in 2013 was $303.28, up from $264.74 in 2012, according to the police department annual reports.

The cost per housing unit for police services was $346.49, up from $305.81 in 2012, according to the reports.

The 2013 annual police department report was presented at the Jan. 27 township commissioners' meeting.

Part Two: Analysis of 2013 township police report

Part Three: Police K-9 Patrol, animal enforcement

Part Four: Police department grants, training, activities